It all began when I found her very tensed and she said she need some blackpepper as it is essential for some ingredient but the thing is it is only available one in every 24 hour. Oh, crap, but I can not afford her in a tensed situation, I must make a solution into black pepper.
So I was hunting for codes as my cutie was playing farmville2 whole day long, somehow I find a Chinese who is a restaurant owner and playing this game for shitty 2 years and is in level 110. He was devoting a minimum of 2 hours in this girly thing and then it makes me thing. The way cutie is playing I was seeing it as a competitor as this game of getting her time. So how to stop it and gain my leadership back in her time.
There is no other way where I can make any bug and stuff, otherwise I had to suffer silent treatment for a prolonged period which is short of nightmare, hence that’s not tolerable.
Another way is the unlock all the stuffs, hence comes cheat engine. First target was to get unlimited water, then I though why water, let’s hit the main point. There were some items which gives great point when harvested back.
So what I did was if a carrot gives 8xp in harvesting back, I made that amount a hell lot and just harvested it ;)
However You need to code or you have to be a coder to get this shit done and that is the only thing I know very good. I had copy pasted stuffs from here and there which I used at a cheatsheet before I got that carrot solution. I thought, I should keep that here for other guys who are trying to get their girlfriends back. :)

How to harvest “water well” unlimited
set “string” on cheat engine and choose “double” on value type. then scan “14400″, break point all result and change the value to “1″. u can harvest all the time.
how to harvest “furnace” unlimited.
tutorial this cheat same like water well, just change value to scan on cheat engine to “82800″. and all result always change to “1″
how to harvest “hen house” unlimited.
same like above. for “hen house” the value to scan on cheat engine “86400″ and change to “1″.

Furnace code is 28800 Try it!!!

then enter this as new scan: 04 63 61 73 68
It should only give you one response, highlight and drop to lower panel. Change value to: 04 62 61 73 68

1- Open Farmville 2 and Cheat Engine 6.2
2- In Cheat Engine Click on ( Select a process to open)
3- If you are playing Farmville 2 on Google Chrome , Select any one of your Google Chrome process. If playing on Firefox Select Firefox or Select Flash files.
4- Change Value type to String.
5- Go to your Farm and buy “Scrubby Shrub” from market. Place as many as Well you want.
6- Now back to Cheat Engine and paste this code into text area > e_deco_shrub_round
7- Click on First Scan.
8- You will see all the Results on Left side . Select all results and Drag Down all the Results .
9- Select all Drag objects and change “value” to > e_building_well_l11
10- Store all the “Scrubby Shrub” and refresh your farm. All of Scrubby Shrubs will be converted into Well.


Enter Farmville 2
Open Cheat Engine
Select processs (flashplugin.exe for firefox and chrome.exe for chrome)
Change value type to “Text” / “String”
First scan “obstruction_rock” (all the rocks)
Select all the results and press the red arrow
New scan “obstruction_stump” (wood)
Select all the results and press the red arrow
Now, select all the addresses in the table below (Ctrl+A)
Change all the values to “e_deco_shrub-round”
Go back to your game, visit neighbor, and go back to your farm.
ALL the rocks and stumps will disappear.
You no longer need the pickaxes

xps increase 397 – 50000 haywagon 4 bytes

turn farm bucks , string , coins


Buy hay wagon in market and place it on farmOpen Cheat Engine Scan for 2250 under 4bytes Drag all the result down and change it to 1M or 2M (2000000)

is simple lower the price of “HarvEstate Manor” to 1 Coin and sell it with the amount of 500,000 Coins.Play FarmVille 2Start Cheat Engine 6.1Select a process to openChoose second FlashPlayerPlugin_11 (for firefox) or 2 3rd or 4th chrome.exe (google chrome)Set the Value Type to 4 BytesScan 1000000Click the first address and then press Shift + left-click on the last addressClick the red arrowSelect all with Ctrl + A, then press ENTERChange the value to 1Buy the “HarvEstate Manor”New Scan 50000Select all address and click the red arrow then change all values to 500000Now sell your HarvEstate Manor which is worth 500,000 Coins!

e_resource_water_can_pack_50 – e_deco_horseshoegame_generic(Horseshoe Pit)



e_resource_upgradepoints_pack_100 – favour


e_deco_axeinstump_generic — >e_building_sprinkler_coin   (Chopping Block)

Removing a Sprinkler which is under Construction

e_building_sprinkler_free_construction — >  e_building_sprinkler_remo_construction


e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_water_can_pack_1
e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_water_can_pack_5
e_deco_horseshoegame_generic — e_resource_water_can_pack_10
e_deco_horseshoegame_generic— e_resource_water_can_pack_30


e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_energy_pack_1
e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_energy_pack_2
e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_energy_pack_5
e_deco_swimmingpool_round — e_resource_energy_pack_10
e_deco_swimmingpool_round — e_resource_energy_pack_15


e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_instagrow_pack_1
e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_instagrow_pack_2
e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_instagrow_pack_5
e_deco_horseshoegame_generic — e_resource_instagrow_pack_10
e_deco_horseshoegame_generic — e_resource_instagrow_pack_25


e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_unwither_pack
e_deco_winebottles_stacked — e_resource_unwither_pack_1
e_deco_winebottles_stacked — e_resource_unwither_pack_2
e_deco_winebottles_stacked — e_resource_unwither_pack_5
e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_unwither_pack_10
e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_unwither_pack_25


e_deco_bbq_chair_adirondack — e_resource_speedfeed_pack_2
e_deco_horseshoegame_generic — e_resource_speedfeed_pack_10
e_deco_horseshoegame_generic — e_resource_speedfeed_pack_25


e_rare_crafted_pinwheels_spinach — e_resource_fertilizer_bag_pack_1
e_rare_crafted_pinwheels_spinach — e_resource_fertilizer_bag_pack_2
e_rare_crafted_pinwheels_spinach — e_resource_fertilizer_bag_pack_5
e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green — e_resource_fertilizer_bag_pack_10
e_deco_animated_kite_flying_green — e_resource_fertilizer_bag_pack_25


e_deco_milkjug_generic — e_resource_bottle_pack
e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_bottle_pack_1
e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_bottle_pack_2
e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_bottle_pack_5
e_deco_swimmingpool_round — e_resource_bottle_pack_10


e_deco_footbridge_wood — e_resource_salt_pack_1
e_deco_footbridge_wood — e_resource_salt_pack_2
e_deco_footbridge_wood >— e_resource_salt_pack_5
e_deco_butterchurn_wood — e_resource_salt_pack_10


e_rare_crafted_lemonade — e_resource_sugar_pack_1
e_rare_crafted_lemonade — e_resource_sugar_pack_2
e_rare_crafted_lemonade — e_resource_sugar_pack_5
e_deco_bugzapper_generic — e_resource_sugar_pack_10


e_deco_wagonwheel_planted — e_resource_biofuel_pack_1
e_deco_wagonwheel_planted — e_resource_biofuel_pack_2
e_deco_wagonwheel_planted — e_resource_biofuel_pack_5
e_deco_winebottles_stacked — e_resource_biofuel_pack_10
e_deco_winebottles_stacked — e_resource_biofuel_pack_30

e_deco_animated_lamppost--- e_rare_ingredient_pepper
e_deco_saltlick_generic--- e_rare_ingredient_spool
e_rare_crafted_lemonade--- e_rare_ingredient_flask
e_deco_ropes_flowering--- e_rare_ingredient_nail (hope rope)
e_deco_woodpile_plank---e_viral_spindle_empty (wood planks)
40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 38 82 4F 21
40 42 0F 00 40 42 0F 00 00 00 00 00 40 C3 54 14

36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 70 76 D2 14
36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 87 98 66
36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 50 DE 20
36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 50 DE 20
36 00 00 00 36 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 50 DE 20

xps increase 397 – 50000 haywagon 4 bytes

< a>Cheat Water Bar Bonus</a>Buy hay wagon in market and place it on farmOpen Cheat Engine Scan for 2250 under 4bytes Drag all the result down and change it to 1M or 2M (2000000) Now in Cheat Engine again set the value to string or text and type coins and make another scan Drag all the result down and change coins to water Go back to farm and sell your hay wagonYour now big time with water

is simple lower the price of “HarvEstate Manor” to 1 Coin and sell it with the amount of 500,000 Coins.Play FarmVille 2Start Cheat Engine 6.1Select a process to openChoose second FlashPlayerPlugin_11 (for firefox) or 2 3rd or 4th chrome.exe (google chrome)Set the Value Type to 4 BytesScan 1000000Click the first address and then press Shift + left-click on the last addressClick the red arrowSelect all with Ctrl + A, then press ENTERChange the value to 1Buy the “HarvEstate Manor”New Scan 50000Select all address and click the red arrow then change all values to 500000Now sell your HarvEstate Manor which is worth 500,000 Coins!

About the Author

Aloha, I'm Amit Ghosh, a web entrepreneur and avid blogger. Bitten by entrepreneurial bug, I got kicked out from college and ended up being millionaire and running a digital media company named Aeron7 headquartered at Lithuania.

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One Comment
  1. Mr J February 14, 2018 at 5:17 am Reply


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