It is merely midnight and tomorrow I have a quiz to attend but I really can’t help me sharing this hilarious fact. After watching the movie V for Vendatta or might be he has some another source of enlightment to be an anonymous but this time …hmm…Lemme introduce myself abit.. I have single digit rank in consecutive cyber olympiad and I used to find glitches in my 11-12 when I was learning Phython , Shell Scripts and other basic languages ..Some of them also come infront of newpaper shading my name like I found a glitch in the online test system of Brilliant Tutorials which allows one to see answers before submitting them and I can’t help myself being first every time.. Even ..hehe in the NEST exam, you can see admit card of others in a condition that you have an account ..Yes it’s still possible cause I was checking (hey, come on I am a guy after all) how many girls are applying for NISER :P ..Yeah just for fun…

[PS: I think senior college girls might be also found the information about girls coming in new batch useful cause girls always love their ranking and pretty sure about that…I am the ‘first best’ in this department and blah blah blah]

RMO questions of first round was being compromised and it was being posted in internet that previous night [@Art of Problem Solving:] for last two years… Now don’t blame it, We have sent them a mail about this and as per they are Indian and by default salary guy so might be they are least interest to fix this thing and don’t acuse me as I myself never given RMO.. :P and yes if it is still available this year, and if any one of your cousin is giving the exam then you can let me know… I don’t like the batman like thing to keep myself hide and don’t like to wear mask and become anonymous rather than I like the ironman concept :P.. Just log into into the previous night and solve out all recent questions posted and you will get 100% common.. :evilsmile:hacker

hmm… You must have heard about a hype concerning Sikkim Manipal University’s mainframe being hacked by an IITian .. ? I don’t know these newpaper guys why liked to attach the IIT tag to make everything mythical and pardon me I don’t know there might be many anothers but I was one of them who got the root access [and I proudly still have the root access]..Actually I was testing secuirty of CMSs like joomla, wordpress and drupal.. SKM University programmed their own CMS and there was a fault regarding which is technically called ‘SQL Injection’ and when I mailed their concerned fellow (why always the person who didn’t know anything about computer hold the cc admnin’s chair .. :P) he just made a javascript to bypass it and again it’s still hackable.. I again mailed and I think might be their mail servers are also like NISERmail . You know our NISERmail has a cool tagline ‘Delevering unimportant mail at important time and important mail at unimportant time’..Yeah… and you can come to me anytime in CC.. I am available there 24*7, I can give you a live demonstration by showing you the exploits (For pessimists, don’t call it hacking cause for your kind information I have mailed them several time but since no harm has been done they are all OK with it..)

Our so called Mr.Anonymous has taken a good attitude to take any guy’s email account and sending mail through it.. Hey buddy I ‘really enjoy ‘some of your mails’ a lot’ but why are you bothering your fellow mates and it’s joke now a days … I can just send a mail from my mail to all fellow or any faculty and say that ‘Oh my god, My mail was hacked…’..If you wanna really raise your voice then open a gmail account and if you wanna send mail by using any faculty’s email address by the childish PHP script (@Mr.Anonymous…. ‘How to send a fakemail’ on google and the first search result will let you know this trick but listen my friend these monkeys in NISER administration doesn’t know about this childish fact and was thinking that Arnab has done it[the director mail was sent from arnab’s account]and you were about to jeopardise his career.. At least don’t drag any another one.. I don’t object you to send mail..I really like some of the mail personally [To any official reading this: This is my personal opinion and I solely not influencing anyone and I guess you also like some mails too]..Yeah send them from gmail or upload the script to any free hosting account or what ever you can..Just don’t play with other’s email id as he will get a fire in the hole)worlds_greatest_hacker_cartoon_invitation-r05ef81947e7a4ef0a253aeb2d73e7a07_8dnd0_8byvr_512

Now if I have to be tensed for rest of the 100 crore Indians then who will take care of my girl friends.. ? ..Now there is a bad thereom in this world which applies to me too :( As I know these ‘horrible things’ and wasted a bit of my grey matter in these things so no matter I am sleeping, dreaming or doing whatever dick activites I want..I will be acused of doing these things. I love to waste my time in my own things and regarding the mail of director sir, I haven’t seen him in previous two years and I will not see him in the next three years also cause I don’t think I have any work with him as he is in chemistry department..

About the Author

Aloha, I'm Amit Ghosh, a web entrepreneur and avid blogger. Bitten by entrepreneurial bug, I got kicked out from college and ended up being millionaire and running a digital media company named Aeron7 headquartered at Lithuania.

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