Day 0 on ISI

College  /   /  By Amit Ghosh

Blogging – Okies you can consider it as  an introductory because every time I think of serious blogging , I messed up writing why I am writing a blog and make a long post and got bored and close the file without saving.. :lol

In my house there are racks of books and I generally put my diaries beside the books to keep it secret from my honorable sister but as she is an extension of my DNA she find out them and even she could find them in cases when I, myself can’t find it :lol

536383_559240860759701_1080353292_nThanks to her for recovery of my diaries starting from class IV means each time I get a new diary I filled them to some pages then left :P I always make bold decision that this time I will write the diary year-long but it can’t survive to months. I was reading them and so my girl-friend (People says she is my girl-friend. We aren’t like that. She is more like one of my best friend :P). She said to make it online … Why not I will just change the names, places because I don’t want anybuddy getting affected by this :P …

Let’s have a coffee … J I was a psycho @ my childhood, maybe still I am but not in that extent and any man don’t like to share his daily common life experience in a common manner and I haven’t done anything Salman Khan like things (Although I fantasized a lot) to make this blog a blockbuster and my childhood was more like boring black n white artfilm in most of the days.

Lets begin with ISI, Kolkata.

I got selected in ISI as a summer internship in cryptography and I was really excited coming in ISI. Atleast national institutes like these have always some elegance :lol Most of the sensible guys like me has the first question that how many girls have come ? … There were many but I was more excited about meeting my school friends and interested to hold and heal some relations with some friends back :-)

.I come here on the very evening of sunday as Atfirst I thought that our classes will be from monday and hence I will see a look of my room and will come monday morning.

I was asked to contact a person after reaching the gates of ISI named Chanu Oraon.He asked me to meet @ C.V.Raman Hall (In our Purulia Ramakrishna Mission hostel buildings were named like !@# sadan and in narendrapur mission it was !@# bhobon and it was names by some monks).Here I found all the buildings have a common syntax ‘Scientist name + Hall’.

He accompanied me and my parents to second storyed 61 number room in Meghnad Saha Hall (locally known as Integrated Msc Building) and there were no rooms occupied in that whole  floor which makes it a haunty look. :P . I think none of the computer guys take care about the ghost things . :lolz

So I setup my room a little bit, put my pink suitcase and left straight to CityCentre2 and booked three tickets of Ishqzaade (Mine,Dad,Mom) and I really like the climax of the first half but the second half really fucked me up.Specially when all the way down the hero and heroine was getting chased by and commit suicide.

I don’t like negative endings :( Thats why I like south indian movies and specially Salman Khan.. :P

===Monday== 14th May

It is more than two months since that day and right now I am regreting that why I had n’t write up my diary then so I would remember the little details… hmm… but who does not like nostalgia .. :P but sometimes real life went so crazy, you forget every thing.. I will try to jot down the events the moments I remembered :P

The inital days were mainly priortized by the morning lectures which was from 10:00 -1:00 @ Biru Seminar Room, 4th floor. It was AC and hence I like to go there before an hour. A fourth year Niser guy named Debdipta also joined. He is also bengali as I am  :) So I rather consider him calling Debdiptada as “typical” bengali style :lol

About the Author

Aloha, I'm Amit Ghosh, a web entrepreneur and avid blogger. Bitten by entrepreneurial bug, I got kicked out from college and ended up being millionaire and running a digital media company named Aeron7 headquartered at Lithuania.

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