Posts Tagged ‘flirt’

Disclaimer : This is merely flawless interpretations of a physical-psychological disable guy…Please don’t take it personal although I mean t to hurt many...

Having a blog in your own localhost is the best secure and simultaneously sexy thing all needed.. I confirmed our firm name as Dirtyminds after lots of hectics...

When I reached the so called ‘Lotus’ resort I was horrified as there was no one in my visible range and tons of questions were coming outta mind as there...

It’s actually yesterday’s blog and as per I have promised this cutie to show my blog…PS: This blog has 1100+ followers and 534s post but I programmed it such a...

Hmm…I ‘hanged out’ with my colonial friends last night, so as my intrusion would  ensure world war III , I decided to stay in their flat… It’s some...

Blogging – Okies you can consider it as  an introductory because every time I think of serious blogging , I messed up writing why I am writing a blog and make...