Posts by: Amit Ghosh

I recently earned 27000 USD from 5000 USD in one day in Forex. But if you ask – Amit, why the hell you are after making company and other shit when you can do...

So let me go to the beginning. Necessity. We have all heard that necessity is the mother of invention. It was matlab exam in the first semester. Here were the...

What I am getting since last two day1s of job posting is just bunch of CVs who are just spamming around and bunch of other micro companies asking to give them...

Somehow this saturday morning, I came across my old albums. Suddenly I was missing my school . Ah, not school, my roommates, study-hall mates, members of last...

So it started with a morning ride near Botanical Gardens, the most beautiful place in Bhuabaneswar. Then cutoo was missing and we found him on my bag. He...

So, I came to Delhi, 91springboards, as a member. People work like here in like regular offices and they leave the premises leaving me an empty floor. There is...

In order to make audiences from all over the world understand their content, some webmasters install a Google Translate widget on their websites, allowing...

With this blog, I want to be as transparent as possible with everything I do in my entrepreneurial journey. My businesses, my strategies and my income – it’s...

Taken in our excursion to Daurs, West Bengal, I had paranormal attachment with that slippers. College is the best time of your life. When else are your parents...

I miss you when there’s no reason to, how much more if there was? I never felt such void feelings in my last seven years like this. Yeah I might have half a...