Posts Tagged ‘HTS Solutions’

You can understand the algorithm I used and implement in your own way. Here what I have done is I created a php script that analyzes your downloaded “xml” data...

If you are copy-pasting this thing and thinking that getting points will make you more cool amongst your friends then you can just fuck off. You will remain...

BUFFER OVERFLOW, COOKIE MANUPULATION , ZIP & HASH CRACKING I don’t have too much time for writing up tutorials .I will try to come back to improve this article...

Sql Injection & Cgl Vulnerablity Step 1: Find an admin account Find pages To find an access, we try many injections in the form fields (GET method is easier)....

Sql Injection & Hash Decrypting (Advanced) Step 0: Collecting Information Directory structure First of all we try to get as much information as we can,...

Perl Script Injection Collecting Information Global structure The first thing we have to do is to get as much information as we can about this portal. We...

User-Agent Spoofing, Sql Manupulation,Cookie Injection & Cookie Stealing (Advanced) Step 0: Get as much information as possible It is rather too harder than the...

User-Agent Spoofing & Cookie Injection There are a lot of things going on with this mission and if you have been following my other tutorials you should be all...

 Xss (Cross-Site Scripting) And Http Header Tampering Click on “Private Message” from the menu and fill the form as follows, using following XSS as...

 Cookie Injection,Java Script Injection & Sql Injection Method Information From the navigation and source code of pages, we gather following...